10% discount on $500+ orders*

Promo code :

Expires on Jan 23rd


Partial Delivery/Expected Delivery Date Not Respected


Please refer to the tracking number sent by email and check if all packages are marked as “On the way” or "Delivered." Sometimes, even if packages from the same order leave our warehouse together, they might be split during transit.

When checking your FedEx tracking number, note that it may show "Delivered" even if just one of several shipments arrives. This is because the Master tracking number has been delivered. To see the delivery status of each package, click the arrow in the delivery status:

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 2.09.42 PM.png

By clicking the arrow, you will see all the packages sent out for your order. When not all items from your order have been delivered at once, most of the time the missing packages will be on the way and you will be able to see the status of those packages as well as the expected delivery date that can be different from the items you already received:

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 2.10.09 PM.png

Otherwise, if any labels show "Label created" as shown in the picture below, and the rest show "Delivered," and the missing item from your order is the installation kit (wheel nuts and hub rings), please check inside all boxes to ensure the installation kit hasn't been placed in one of the wheel boxes.

unnamed (19).png

If all tracking numbers are marked "Delivered" or if the installation kit isn't the missing item, please send us a message to let us know what items are missing from the delivery.