PMCtire Tire Environmental Handling Fees - Alberta

Alberta's Tire Recycling Program is helping protect our environment by keeping scrap tires out of the landfill. This Program has grown into a thriving, innovative industry that is helping keep the province’s environment safe for generations to come.
The environmental fees Albertans pay when purchasing new tires, ranging from $4 - $200, are used to help fund the cost to recycle them. And when buying new tires, they usually leave their old ones behind. This is because 2,200 vehicle and tire dealers and auto repair shops play a dual role - selling new tires and being a primary collection point for scrap tires destined for recycling at registered recycling facilities in Alberta.

Tire Environmental Handling Fees - Alberta
PMCtire Tire Environmental Handling Fees - Alberta
Par unité
$5.00 pour 1 unité
Alberta's Tire Recycling Program is helping protect our environment by keeping scrap tires out of the landfill. This Program has grown into a thriving, innovative industry that is helping keep the province’s environment safe for generations to come.
The environmental fees Albertans pay when purchasing new tires, ranging from $4 - $200, are used to help fund the cost to recycle them. And when buying new tires, they usually leave their old ones behind. This is because 2,200 vehicle and tire dealers and auto repair shops play a dual role - selling new tires and being a primary collection point for scrap tires destined for recycling at registered recycling facilities in Alberta.
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